Weekly Horoscopes

The Sky this Week, May 5, 2024

Good things come to those who wait. On May 7, the Taurus new moon sheds moonlight onto our resources. Fresh, abundant funds, helpful possessions, and precious materials arrive at our feet. External gifts seek to guide us on the trek toward success. However, what makes all the difference, regardless of our wallet or stuff, is our internal reservoir of resources. 

Does our self-esteem and confidence run deep, instilled in the belief that we deserve what we need? Or do we make decisions that deplete us, leaving us hopeless or lost? Our self-esteem will depend on whether we can remain true to our values and practical needs. And our needs being met will depend on whether we feel we have the right to have needs in the first place.

MANTRA Honoring my needs, I utilize the resources offered and reach out for any support required.

ZODIAC SIGN RATINGS Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn will experience renewed hope this week.

Taurus will reach for the stars and receive new opportunities as the Taurus new moon illuminates their path.

Virgo can expect the chance to open their mind to experiences that re-awaken their sense of awe in the world outside of their mundane, everyday life.

Capricorn will find life is worth celebrating life this week, encouraging them to let loose and let go.

YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ARIES  A closed mouth doesn’t get fed, Aries. As your solar second house receives...

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